Script2Script.dll methods

Additional details can be found in example S2S_in_DLL.

Object to call is sscomp.

Method sscomp.give_write_method 

  1. has syntax:  give_write_method(out_put_object As Variant, WebOrDesk As Variant)
     out_put_object - must have method named "write" which outputs text to console;
     if WebOrDesk = "D", then dll works as part of desktop program;
                  = "W", then dll can work as part of asp-web page;
                         out_put_object can be "response" object in this case;
  2. must be called before method Go;

Method sscom.Go

   1. Syntax:
   Public Sub Go( _
       EntryToProcess_Variant, _
       TextToProcess_Variant, _
       TakeSourceFromDisk_v, _

   Example. Calling Script2Script.dll form GUI:
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

       processing schema and source on screen: 
       sscom.go sc_MasterName, sc_t, ReadSorcesFromDisk, WriteResultsToDisk
       sscom.go so_MasterName, so_t, ReadSorcesFromDisk, WriteResultsToDisk

       Menu/Run runs screen to screen project and cals Compi with parameters:


            There is one generalization: when screen text is empty, and 
            disk entity exitst, data will be taken from disk.

       Menu/Go calls Compi with this parameters set to "Y".