
There is no "of principle" difference between "control", "statement", "operation", "switch".
This classification is made for ease of navigation.

IMMEDIATE-ACTION HAS SYNTAX:          "|"statement[.[parameter]]
ACTION-CONTROL   CAN USE SYNTAX:      text.control.parameter1.parameter2    where text, parameter1, parameter2 are optional.
ACTION-STATEMENT CAN USE SYNTAX:      ..[statement][.[parameter]]

  statement                     :=    operation[operand1] | command  
  operation can be
     arithmetical-operation     -    like "^", "|", "!" ...
     string-operation           -    like "=", "&", "~", "#" ...
     comparision                -    like "?", ">", "<", "{", "}" ...
  operand1                      -    variable,
                                     if missed, then variable "token" is assumed;
  command                       -    list of possible commands provided 
                                     in command_help.txt;
  parameter - called also as "operand2"
            - if starts with "                              -->      string  constant
            - for operation
                - if starts with digit                      -->      numeric constant
                - if omitted                                -->      variable "token"
                - otherwise                                 -->      variable
            - otherwise, depends on command
  for operation, variables and costants always have type string;


  <not_empty_text>.   - this is action-control which makes a plain output of <not_empty_text>
  .<not_empty>        - this is action-control
  ..<not_empty>       - this is action-statement
  <not_empty>..       - this is action-statement because there are two periods
  .p                  - this is action-statement (perhaps needed only for debug listings)


  1. action-statement                  
     a. operations             . . .   operations_help
     b. command                . . .   commands_help
     c. switches               . . .   switches_help
  2. xxxx.control.yyyy.zzzz    . . .   controls_help
        controlling streams    . . .   streams_help
  3. |statement.xxxx           . . .   immediate_action_help