Actions .i and .I. Command ..indent and variable indent.

Action .i
  generates INDENT according formula

      n - is number of occurances of state -s in the current nest, or
        - is number of states in the current nest
          if make_indent_at_each_state is set to true;
      the default is <INDENT CONSTANT> = "   " - three spaces;

Action .i does not output the INDENT, immediately,
but outputs it right before something is output;
after output indent is set to "" again.

Action .I
   does the same as .i, but output happens immediately
   without waiting until something is to be output;

variable "indent" is not exaclty the same as INDENT.
   variable "indent" when read as ..=x.indent
      -  generates current INDENT value,
      -  assignes this value to x,
      -  sets current INDENT value to "".

To set <INDENT CONSTANT>, command
   ..indent.<INDENT CONSTANT> 
   can be used.