*  Messenger (Little BBS)  *
ASP to PHP conversion example.

Original ASP-messenger currently 
is in subfolder "asp".

*   What Messenger does.  *

Accepts user's message typed in web-page form, 
reads previous messages (board) from file "hidden.txt",
adds this message to board, saves board to "hidden.txt", and
posts board on web-page back.

Message number, time, from-ip-address (or domain name) added to board.

If client did not type anything, messenger checks for new messages every 10 seconds 
and warns client.

One remote management feature is added:  ( see remark: "MANAGE YOUR BOARD REMOTELY )
if user submits message "refresh the board", then board will be archived,
(with time stamp on the file name: month.day.hour.minute.second)
and cleaned up. 

stored_file_limit - restricts size of board.
hide_mask - first part of ip addresses which will be not posted (another feature.)

Algorithm to check messages:
Piece of Java Script code periodically checks for new messages on board,
and if there are new messages posted by another users, then this indicated
by text warning and color change.

Last written message ID is stored in form control:
<input type=hidden name=hdnLastID value=<%=post_thread_ID%> > 
If user did not type anything in message text box and timeout expired
(which is set (10 seconds) in JavaScript statement: setTimeout("make_refreshment()",10000);),
then JavaScript code calls this page submitting ID via query-string in URL:
which is caught by: ws = Request.QueryString("hdnLastID") 

This situation is handled in ASP code marked by "CHECK FOR NEW MESSAGES FROM INACTIVE CLIENTS"
If this ID returned via query is not equal to the current one in the board, 
then warning about new message activated to a client.

*    Possible problems	  *

Environment, GET, POST, variables are not set on your server.
Read/write permission for hidden.txt are not set properly.
Folder PHP_4 must contain following files:


should use:
PHP-version of custom.inc