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  \T Binary Operations t\
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\bBinary Operations. \

\anbinary_operation" \
\bDefinition. Binary operation b\ is a function :  A x B --&gt; C, where
   A,B,C are given sets, and A x B is Cartesian product.

   For operation * : (a,b) |--&gt; c,  a,b are called operands, c is called result, and
   instead of notation c = *(a,b), notation c = a*b is usually used.

\bNotation. Binary operation on set M b\ is a binary operation : A x B --&gt; C where A=B=C=M. 
          Property of operation C=M is called "closure".

\bExample.b\  Addition: 4 = 2 + 2; A=B=C=set of natural numbers.

\bDefinition. Semigroup is a set with associative \a#binary_operation" binary_operation \ b\ 
    Precisely, S is semigroup is for all elements a,b,c in S:
               (a*b)*c = a*(c*b)

Associativity implies the following simplification of using parenthesises:

\bTheorem.  Regrouping of operands does not change result in semigroup. b\
    Precisely: If a\[1 \ , a\[2 \ , ... , a\[n \  are elements of semigroup, and
    if L and R are strings with arbitrary distribution of parenthesises between a\[i \ 
    which is meaningful (producing a result), 
    then (result L)=(result R).

    \bProof is not finished here.b\ Using induction. For case n=3, the strings can be only:
               (a\[1 \ a\[2 \ )a\[3 \  = a\[1 \ (a\[2 \ a\[3 \ ). 
               Let's assume that theorem has been proven for n &gt; 2.

\bDefinition. Monoidb\  is a semigroup with neutral element. 
     Precisely, M is monoid if for elements in M:
                  1.  \^.faa,b,c (a*b)*c = a*(c*b)
                  2.  \^.exe'  \^.faa a = e' * a
                  2'. \^.exe'' \^.faa a = a  * e''

If to take a=e'' in 2., then it follows that e'' = e', 
so neutral element is uniquie and will be denoted as e.

\bInformal.b\  Natural, rational numbers are monoids in respect to addition.
\bExample.b\  Let M is a set of all functions from A to A, and I is identity function I(a) = a.
    Then, M is a monoid with e = I.


